LARGEST Ships On Earth - Machines Videos

LARGEST Ships On Earth


Many of the really big ships have pivoting propeller systems at the stern and horizontally mounted propellers in the bow to maneuver.  As far as cranes, when I lived in Osaka, taking the train to Kobe goes along Osaka Bay and I remember seeing these super-massive floating cranes. To this day I wonder what kind of physics magic they use to stay afloat while lifting such monumental loads.  Hats off to the engineers that make life so amazing. I had the priveledge to sail on the " Big E " as we called her. She was like no other ship by any means. I was stationed on her while she was in complete overhaul at PSNS in Bremerton Wa. While in overhaul i was able to get quite familiar with her due to my clearance level. It allowed me to enter spaces that not just any sailor could enter. I really enjoyed my time stationed on her and was sad when my enlistment was up and we parted ways. But thankful just the same that i was able to have the experience of living on her like i did. That and all the lifelong friends i came to meet on her has made a lifetime of memories for me and ones that i will never forget. I was deeply saddened to hear that she was sold last year and due to be dismantled for scrap. What a dishonorable way to treat a vessel that served her country in so many memorable ways during her commision.




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