US Air Force Testing Brand New Boeing Tiny Supersonic Jet - Machines Videos

US Air Force Testing Brand New Boeing Tiny Supersonic Jet


Welcome back to the our channel for a discussion about some of the more important training jets in use by the United States military. The P-51 Mustang was widely used as a trainer?? Where did that come from? There were rare two seat conversions during WW2 but never a fleet of TP-51s that i know of. Civilian owned P-51s have been converted to two seaters to provide flight experiences and to sell rides. Becoming a military pilot involves a staggering amount of training? More than that!! It involves a solid college education in engineering, math, or physics, etc. It involves having a very high GPA. Good physical condition.  Keen eyesight and hearing. Out of about 1000 applications, maybe 3 will be admitted. After that, the washout rate is also high until those wings are earned. To be an astronaut is even more stringent, with NASA taking fewer than 1% of applicants. These stats came from the DOD and NASA.




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