This was fascinating to watch; completely hypnotic. I kept waiting for the people to get soaked with the waves, and they barely moved. That's precision - to know exactly where the wash from the wave is going to stop on the road. Compilation of the best satisfying ship launch videos I recorded including some surprising clips like the amphibious vehicles or the inclined planes at the Elblag Canal. The awesome sideways ship launches take place in Leer, Germany and Westerbroek, The Netherlands. The biggest ship in this video was launched in Flensburg, Germany. Loved launch day ,the speed a ship went, replaced by a gust of wind and rush of water and noise of drag chains. As an apprentice and tradesman, seen Manchester and clipper boats launched. Worked amongst legends . Moulded me with humour and character. Bless them all. That guy who fell over after trying to retrieve something while the ship was being launched. What was so damn important that he nearly lost his life? Can we take a moment to respect the trees? When you see 4x4 or something holding up a entire steel ship, you gotta be just a tad impressed by the strength of good ole fashion' wood!