The Crazy Life Inside World’s Largest $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier i - Machines Videos

The Crazy Life Inside World’s Largest $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier in Middle of the Ocean


Welcome back to the our channel for a discussion about the daily operations and activities of crews working aboard massive aircraft carriers. I wish I could do it all over again with what I know now. I served on the USS America, USS Kennedy, USS Detroit AOE4, and the USS Orion in Italy. It was a lot of hard work and sacrifices in three U.S. Wars but it was worth it. The one thing I noticed is that whenever the media came to our ships for documentaries, it was always the high ranking officers who got the interviews and never the enlisted men and women who are the actual real backbone of the Navy. We did all the dirty and risky work and not enough recognition for it because it was always the officers on the spotlight. I absolutely love to watch the culinary team. No one appreciates them as they should be. I've been in the restaurant industry for over 25 years and no one ever praises the cooks or dishwashers.. they are a integral part of daily life and without them who will eat?? These men and women both aboard or on shore need just as much admiration as the next. I've never served but as a long time chef I tip my hat to these men and women making sure our bravest have a great meal day in and day out! Thank you enlisted heroes.




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