Welcome back to our channel for a feature on the US Air Force B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, the flying wing, and what it takes to get a squadron of these massive aircraft airborne in a matter of minutes. My friend a senior mech eng. on these and I have seen this marvel B-2 up close and I can tell you one thing. It immediately removes any doubt that we are the most advanced military/country in the world. Absolutely inspiring to see these young men and women do what they do. I've been on a C-17 from Ramstein to the States. What a way to sit, straight up against the side of the aircraft, staring at cargo. Onboard menu? A boxed lunch. The flight was free for active duty members and spouses like me and while the memories are amazing I'll never fly like that again. Hats off to our military though! It's a powerful reminder of the skill and precision required in such high-stakes situations. These moments capture the essence of teamwork and the incredible capabilities of modern aviation technology. As we were flying model aircraft out of Apollo XI Model Aircraft Field, a B-2 took off from Van Nuys Airport. Had I not looked up, I would not have spotted it. The aircraft was virtually silent flying past us. It was going to the Rose Bowl Parade to fly over. If I remember correctly, it was back in 2006. As far as the B2's inherent instability, it's not so unstable. We've flown model B2's without any stabilization software. It's actually a stable flying design. Just don't try to knife-edge it, or try to roll it excessively.