World's Largest Land Vehicles - Machines Videos

World's Largest Land Vehicles


These are some of the largest land vehicles in the world. Bigger than multiple stacked double-decker buses and heavier than multiple full jumbo jets. Man-made machinery is essential for construction and many other aspects of the modern world, however, what happens when humans push the limits of engineering? The level of engineering required to create and maintain this stuff must be crazy. It's actually amazing what the human brain can think of and create. I really enjoyed all of the american units of measurement such as buses, football fields, blue whales, tanks, airplanes, statues of liberty, car garages. Before I moved out, I regularly passed the coal mines and saw the Bagger 293 Even longer ago, back in elementary school, I even saw one up close on a field day. I was always admiring the sheer scale of these monsters but I never really thought about the logistics behind them. I kinda expected them to be assembled on site - kinda like regular cranes you see at construction sites. The square-cube problems with these machines must be an insane challenge to overcome. Damn, humans can be efficient when the circumstances call for it. When I was a kid I watched Bagger 293 transit to another mine. That thing was ridiculous. I remember that my dad would stand in its tracks in the dirt and it went up to his hip. Unbelievable big.




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