B-52 Stratofortress Take Off U.S. Air Force - Machines Videos

B-52 Stratofortress Take Off U.S. Air Force


It is absolutely amazing that this aircraft is still flying after 69 years! There has always been talk about retiring it. We get to see them flying over our house quite frequently; Always go out to see it IF there isn't cloud cover obstructing the view. This magnificent air machine has enough thrust that it is possible to still rotate with a 4 degree nose-down attitude. I was an avionics tech on these gems back 1973 to 1976, stationed at Loring AFB, Maine. Memories of riding the launch truck. AMS 5 was our radio call sign. My friend was a radar navigator on one of these. He was killed along with six other crew members on April 11, 1983 in a crash in Utah. My family was absolutely devastated by his death. He was a brilliant young man. Saw B-52s take off at Hill AFB in Ogden UT in the early 90s while Desert Storm was going on. The sound, the SMOKE TRAIL - this video brought it all back.  It’s hard to describe it - like a beast being unleashed. Terrifying to think of the firepower this aircraft can carry and deliver.




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