B-52 Stratofortress Take Off U.S. Air Force - Machines Videos

B-52 Stratofortress Take Off U.S. Air Force


B-52 Stratofortress taxi and take off, air crew race to launch multiple B-52 Stratofortress at Barksdale Air Force Base, US Air Force, Louisiana, United States. I watched the B-52 the first time it flew in 1954. It had a B-47 and a delta-wing fighter as escorts and camera planes. It flew a lazy loop from Seattle down around Tacoma and back and never retracted its landing gear. I would have been very impressed with its size if I hadn't seen a B-36 passing over low, a couple of years before. Boy does that bring back memories! I spent 5 years at Minot AFB in N. Dakota working on "H" model B-52's and eventually got shipped to Loring AFB by Limestone Maine where I spent another 21/2 years working "G" model B-52's. They are quite the bird I can tell you but it was definitely a love/hate relationship working on those beasts. I recently watched a docu on the B-52 that said they don't actually "rotate" at takeoff, but rather sort of lift off with all landing gear leaving the ground almost simultaneously.  Apparently they land the same way. Very impressive! These are historial 8 engine  jet propulsion bombers still in service. Congratulations to the US Air Force B52 flight team. We thank You for your Service. Aim high and keep America strong!




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